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Bellflower Lamp 3.9″ x 7.8″
Broadside Cross w/Larger Christ 3.9″ x 7.8″
Cross 3.9″ x 7.8″
Crucifix 3.9″ x 7.8″
Crucifix with INRI Scroll 3.9″ x 7.8″
Hand with Branch 3.9″ x 7.5″
Praying Hands w/Rosary (facing Left) 3.9″ x 4″
Praying Hands w/Rosary (facing right) 3.9″ x 4″
Red Sacred Heart 1/2 cust-color fin. 3.9″ x 6.7″
Sacred Heart 1/2 bust-bronze fin. 3.9″ x 6.7″
Torch Oval Frame (9 x 12cm pic) 3.9″ x 5.3″
Wreath Cross Ring Vase 3.9″ x 7.5″